How does help from your municipality (gemeente) works in The Netherlands?

In The Netherlands, there are different kinds of help that you or your family can receive from your municipality (gemeente). The costs are covered by the municipality (gemeente) you are registered in as resident. The municipality (gemeente) hires professionals according to the kind of help that you or your family needs.

The social help that you can receive from your municipality (gemeente) is organized in 2 groups:

1 - Help for chidren (-18) and parents. This kind of help is commonly known as “Jeugdzorg” (Youth Care Law)

In the Netherlands, the youth care system is regulated in the Youth Care Law. This law stipulates that municipalities are administratively and financially responsible for all forms of youth care and youth assistance.

Municipalities offer (first-line) guidance for young people and families through neighborhood teams, neighborhood teams or neighborhood networks. Municipalities very often hires (second-line) external specialized professional organizations for specific kinds of help, like Sertse Zorg.

The teams or agencies always work in the neighborhood and aim to organize support and assistance integrally and close to the child and the family. The teams or agencies are multidisciplinary, set up with professionals from different organizations.

2 - Help for adults (+18). This kind of help is commonly known as “WMO”, Wet Maatschappelijke Ondersteuning (Social support Law)

The Social Support Act (WMO) ensures that everyone can continue to participate in society and continue to live independently as much as possible. This means that municipalities must provide support to residents who need help in leading a self-reliant life. This starts with ensuring good living conditions in your own village or city. Everyone should be able to participate in society in a way that suits him or her. WMO is available to everyone aged 18 and over. This is done in consultation with the municipality. Guidance from the WMO is not about taking over tasks, but helping with them.


How can you or your family receive help from your municipality (gemeente)?

The process takes 4 steps:


You contact the municipality (gemeente) where you are registered as resident, and ask for contact with “WMO” or social team.


The WMO or Social Team from your municipality (gemeente) invites you for an intake, to talk with you about the kind or support that you need. The team from municipality (gemeente) might also value to talk to people in your direct environment, like family and friends to better understand your situation.


The municipality (gemeente) analyzes the help you need and decides if their own team can help you (first line) or if they need to hire an external (second line) professional according to your needs.


After you accept the offer, the municipality (gemeente) makes an order (beschikking) for (second line) specialized professionals to help you.

Sertse Zorg can help you understand how the process works to apply for help for your family. Feel free to contact us.
